Bold text 'CREATE YOUR FUTURE' on minimalist yellow background. Inspiring design.

The Biggest Lessons I’ve Learned in my 20’s

I am in my early 30s my lovelies, and these are the biggest lessons I have learned in my 20s and lessons I think every 20 something year old should know the sooner the better. I wish someone would have told me these things, so here they are.

1) Enjoy it as much as you can!

Your 20s only happen once in your lifetime, and as cliche as it sounds, it’s true. There will never be a time in your life where you have this period in your life, and there will never be a time where you have the least amount of responsibilities than in your 20s so don’t take it for granted , and enjoy it as much as you can! Party, travel, do adventurous things. This is the time to do it.

2) Find out what you want to do in life/Find out your life purpose.

The sooner you find out what you want to do in your life and your passion in life, the sooner you’ll have time to focus on dedicating your time and life to your passion/life purpose and if you don’t know what you want to do yet in life, that’s okay. Dabble in everything. Try everything, ask your closest friends and family to help you get ideas on what you’re good at, and go from there. At the end of the day, this is YOUR life, and you should be doing what you want to do and enjoy in life, not what your friends and family want you to do. This is YOUR life, but ideas and suggestions can be helpful to give you ideas and insight on what you’re good at, and what you could enjoy.

3) Realize You have SO MUCH TIME STILL.

You are so young in your 20s. You are not old. Your time hasn’t expired yet, and there’s no point in stressing yourself out about figuring out life or what you want to do in life. I’m going to do a future post about this to come on this subject, but you can get everything wrong for the next 10 years, and you’ll still be young, and you still have time to do what you want to do in life. Like they said, your 20s are basically 1-10 years in adult world lol.

4) Everything in life is temporary.

If things are going great right now, good. If things are good bad, good because they won’t stay that way. Every single thing in life is temporary. As the saying goes: “The only constant in life is change.” So if something isn’t going as great as you expected in your life, do not get discouraged. Things will change with time, and your current situation right now in life won’t be your forever life situation.

5)Life is so short literally

I heard Personal Coach Rob Dial say yesterday on Instagram “160,000 People die daily”, so we should realize life is so short. We can pass away in any second, something unexpected can happen in an instant, so we should live every second with happiness and joy. Focus on all your blessings in life, and not on what you lack, and life will get so much better.


Every single one of us were born into different families, different life circumstances, different opportunities, so we should never compare our timeline to another person’s. We are all different maturity level wise also and how fast we grow. That’s another point to take into account. How are you going to compare your life let’s say for example to a person who has had everything given to them from their parents’ compared to someone who hasn’t had everything handed to them? There’s no comparison right. They’re two completely different life circumstances and oil and water, so there’s no point comparing yourself to someone. You focus on you, and eventually all your dreams will come true with consistency and hard work with time.


Recently There was a day where I was in such a good positive mood, and I literally got a free espresso shot from the coffee shop I went to from an employee there, and I got a free potatoes bowl from Taco bell. lol I didn’t even realize it until the end of the day, but I know it’s because I was radiating positive energy, and positive energy is SO INFECTIOUS AND ENCOURAGING. When you are positive and radiate that in life, it’s like the universe gives you everything in life. It’s crazy, but it’s so true. It’s literally like the universe rewards you for being a positive, joyful, feminine energy person, and of course you shouldn’t do this just to receive a reward. You should do this for yourself and your own happiness in your life, but it just proves that when you’re exuding this positive joyful energy in your life, you literally get rewarded in life in such a big way, so Be positive, fun, joyful , and amazing things will happen in your life. Do if for yourself to lead a happier , more full life for yourself, and you will attract amazing things in your life also. You do attract what you are.

8) You may have to sacrifice some years of your life in your 20s of hard work whether that’s for College or something else, but it will all be worth it in the end.

Like the saying goes: ‘Nothing worth having comes easy” , so it may include a lot of sacrifice and time, but it will all be worth it in the end, and in the grand scheme of things, everything worth having is worth it no matter how hard it is or how long it takes to achieve, and it will be worth it if it means living a better happier life for yourself.

9) Save money. Saving money is great at any age, but it’s good to start learning to save money for emergencies as a cushion or for your retirement.

You never know when an emergency will arise, and saving money is always helpful in any situation, and when you save consistently for retirement, it adds up. Be smart and have some savings now , or else you won’t have anything when it’s needed in an emergency

10) If you can’t afford a new car, Do not get a loan for a car.

I know it can be tempting to purchase a new car in your 20s and to get a loan because of impulsivity, but I can tell you from experience, it’s not a good idea if you can’t really afford to have the monthly payments each month. It is a huge stress to have for the next 6+ years, and if affects your mental health and stress levels, so if you can’t afford it, do not get a car loan. Plus, Cars depreciate so much over time the second you drive it off of a lot, so it’s not a good idea for that also. Do not get a car loan unless you have the means to pay for it or can afford it.